no blogginn!!.. blehh, been so busy with evrythin!! graphics coursework is due like after half term and ive still got loaadsss to doo, plus im like a perfectionist so takes me even LONGER ~ T-T I would literally stay for hours like evryday after college just to do everythingg, but yr11's are always in the tech rooms takin all the equipment when i need it!! =_=" I was in college doing coursework for a Whole day today, and mydays, i was soooo tired afterwards!!, i left at 4.30pm, and was driving home and i swear i could've fallen asleep or somethingg. it was like everything moved really slowwww...almost like whew you're drunk or sumthing. and i nearly crashedd into the car infront coz i didnt break fast enoughh!! Was totally pooin myselff...and thts when i got home at 5pm and wrote on fb.."Dont EVER drive when you're tiredddd!!" and i mean it, listen to my advice or you will be scareddd!! >. And omgg, today is April Fools Day! and to my surprise, NO ONE ...