no blogginn!!.. blehh, been so busy with evrythin!! graphics coursework is due like after half term and ive still got loaadsss to doo, plus im like a perfectionist so takes me even LONGER ~ T-T I would literally stay for hours like evryday after college just to do everythingg, but yr11's are always in the tech rooms takin all the equipment when i need it!! =_=" I was in college doing coursework for a Whole day today, and mydays, i was soooo tired afterwards!!, i left at 4.30pm, and was driving home and i swear i could've fallen asleep or somethingg. it was like everything moved really slowwww...almost like whew you're drunk or sumthing. and i nearly crashedd into the car infront coz i didnt break fast enoughh!! Was totally pooin myselff...and thts when i got home at 5pm and wrote on fb.."Dont EVER drive when you're tiredddd!!" and i mean it, listen to my advice or you will be scareddd!! >.< lolz.
And omgg, today is April Fools Day! and to my surprise, NO ONE actually made a joke or anythinggg?? Well not to me anyway, maybe i just seem too boring for ppl to play pranks on me? =/ But its like the first time thats happend since i was borrnnn?? kinda sad laughing :( ahaa..i sound s-tu-piddd! XD
Half termm, what has everyone got plannedd?? ~ My best friendd ~Zoeyy;), just got her first carr and we were thinking on going on road tripss round englannddd! and go to themeparks and everything! Will have to see if it all goes to plann, with c/w and tht, also i dno if she dares to drive on the motorway by herself to my housee, since im like 1hour away from her!! and ur probs thinking, how are we best friends when we're so far away from each other??' haha, well like i've known her since i was born, literally! and i use to live near her and all, but thn i moved :( though we're still closeeee and crazy when together! :) ahaha, shes megaa! Loveherrr! =D
blahh, well thats enough bloggin for tday. Time for a shower and bedddddd :)
And omgg, today is April Fools Day! and to my surprise, NO ONE actually made a joke or anythinggg?? Well not to me anyway, maybe i just seem too boring for ppl to play pranks on me? =/ But its like the first time thats happend since i was borrnnn?? kinda sad laughing :( ahaa..i sound s-tu-piddd! XD
Half termm, what has everyone got plannedd?? ~ My best friendd ~Zoeyy;), just got her first carr and we were thinking on going on road tripss round englannddd! and go to themeparks and everything! Will have to see if it all goes to plann, with c/w and tht, also i dno if she dares to drive on the motorway by herself to my housee, since im like 1hour away from her!! and ur probs thinking, how are we best friends when we're so far away from each other??' haha, well like i've known her since i was born, literally! and i use to live near her and all, but thn i moved :( though we're still closeeee and crazy when together! :) ahaha, shes megaa! Loveherrr! =D
blahh, well thats enough bloggin for tday. Time for a shower and bedddddd :)
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