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Max Pure Pink lens :)

((Just to let you know, i actually wrote this blog post before i made my video review of these lenses so this post pretty much says everything i said the video.))

These are the pictures on the website that bought it from:

So these cons are the Max Pure Pink lenses, they cost £18.13 which equals to $25.90 for people in the US. I was dieing to get them for agess, but just never got round to buying it since i was skint from buying uni stuff and saving up for xmas presents! So i was really happy when i opened the lil package and saw these inside!^^

The picture it pretty accurate with the colour outcome when you are in direct light, but in normal lighting the colour is very subtle with just a slight pink showing through. I have brown eyes and when i wear these cons in normal lighting, the brown and pink blend together and gives my eyes a mysterious effect which i really like.

As the picture states, the cons are 14.5mm in diameter which is pretty big so it gives you a cute dolly look. :)

Since this is the first time trying out the max pure brand, i wasnt sure how comfortable the contacts would be, and i was afraid that they'd be really drying as my eyes are naturally dry normally. But i found i could wear them for around 5hours, which is a decent amount of time considering i have dry eyes.

Here is a picture of me with the lens on with flash, you can see the colour properly with flash and looks really simular to the picture on the website.

And this is a picture of me with the lenses in normal lighting, its pretty dull since it was a cloudy day!

Hope this review is helpful! I'll be doing the same for the other contact lenses i own so stay tuned if you want to know more!^^


  1. you look so pretty :) I have a pair of pink ones too and they blend to be the colour of pink and grey on me lol


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