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What has happened to England..??

For those of you who don't live in England/UK, you guys are so lucky!! Our country is being destroyed at the useless, uneducated people who have nothing better to do! For the past 4 days, there have been riots in most of the cities of started in London, then other cities started to copy the Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and its moving up North now...I think Leeds will be next to follow soon aswell. People are using the excuse of some guy being killed by a policeman to start protesting and rioting...smashing up shops and looting...setting places on fire...

Its so horrible seeing the situation getting worse as the days many innocent people getting hurt and shops getting smashed up!..It just shows how the parents of England are teaching their kids nowadays...They're NOT! Most of the looters are teenagers that show no emotion of what they're doing is Wrong..sigh..I really hope the police will up their forces and not use..BB Guns and plastic bullets to try and stop this mess since its obviously not working at all! Its about time to bring on the water canons!!

To you guys that are in England, please stay SAFE and keep out of the cities for the time being until the rioting has stopped. Dont head into the cities unless you REALLY have to! Its best to stay at home for the next few days, and Don't open your front door unless you are sure who is on the other side! 
I dont want to see more innocent people getting hurt :(

Take care guys and becareful!!



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